Saturday, 4 April 2009

A Friday

Was at the old church in Pushton, and there's a garden out the back. In the garden was a small kennel-shaped thing, painted red and yellow. I wasn't really paying much attention to it, or to anything else, but the man on the platform was being boring, so I was watching the trees outside (this was frequently the case). It got to the end of the meeting, and a small girl crawled out of the kennel on her hands and knees. She looked about... I don't know... somewhere between 2 and 4. She had light brown hair and Japanese-English features. Someone said "Sabrina's awake!" and everyone turned to look. By this time, many people had left the hall already, I'd already said goodbye to Laurienne in the car park and been cornered by Emil and Derek in the toilets. I was back in the main hall trying to make my mother leave. Anyway... Sabrina's mother (tiny Japanese woman) left quietly, without her daughter. An old woman called Maud began talking quietly about what had been happening. Her daughter Amy was explaining to me and everyone listening that Sabrina had been in the kennel for two years and hadn't woken up before today. We were all watching her crawling across the lawn. A man went outside and picked her up, took her over to a hole in the ground nearer the hall itself, tied a rope around her ankles, and lowered her into the hole. She smiled and giggled. He did it again. Then he kept doing it, over and over again, faster and faster, she looked more and more scared, her features started to melt away to reveal a rotting skeleton child, and I woke up.